Event Description
Join P*Law for a Preview of the Supreme Court Term. Leading journalists and scholars look back at the Supreme Court Term just past and at what’s coming up on the Court’s docket when the 2024-25 Term opens the first Monday in October. Moderated by P*LAW Director Deborah Pearlstein, panelists discuss the Court’s most consequential rulings and the institution’s changing role in American life.
Our Panel will include:
- Jess Bravin, Wall Street Journal
- Kate Shaw, Strict Scrutiny
- Adam Liptak, New York Times
- Joshua Kaplan, Pro Publica
Professor Deborah Pearlstein will moderate, and lunch boxes will be served in Robertson 002. Registration is required for lunch.
Sponsored by:
- Program in Law and Public Policy (P*Law)
- Center for the Study of Democratic Politics (CSDP)
- School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA)
- SPIA in NJ